Assignment: Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior Assignment

Companies are expected to make decisions on what to offer to consumers in the form of services and/or products. This process can certainly be enhanced through the collection of data and the effective use of that data in strategic marketing planning. The VALS online survey is a tool used by companies to help them determine who buys and why.

Go to this website and read about VALS. Find out:

  • What its purpose is
  • Who uses it
  • What value it can provide for companies


When you have completed your reading of information on the website complete the follow:

  1. Write a short paragraph describing who VALS is and what it does?
  2. Before taking the VALS survey, read through the website and the accompanying information and determine “which of the eight psycho-graphic categories you fall into” .
  3. Then complete the survey: . When you get your results, compare these with the category you chose for yourself. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  4. What value does a survey such as the one you completed have in decision-making for an organization?