Assignment: Market Research

Secondary market research is key to defining your target market. Type up your answers to the following questions and submit them on Blackboard.

1. When defining your target market what FIVE key characteristics/segmentation must be included as discussed in the previous chapter?

2. Using the information available at the Census Department (, Identify the key characteristics of the population that live in YOUR city.

  • Based on your finding, what one product or service do you feel will be then next great money maker in your city?
  • Why have you chosen this product/service?

3. Create a questionnaire/survey of 5 questions based on the above topics and use at least 3 of the question designs from the link below. Type your survey at the bottom of the assignment. Examples go to

4. Go to and research the services that they provide for you to create and use surveys. List some of the services they offer and explain the benefits of using this tool.