Advanced Database Searching

Research databases don’t search like Google. One major difference is that not all databases let you search with everyday or  “natural language” terms. Learning a few tricks and search strategies will help you find more relevant results. Begin by boiling your topic idea down into a few key concepts and terms. For example, if your paper is about the mental health of immigrants in school settings, you would search for key words like mental health, immigrants, and school. Next, think of synonyms for those words and more precise terms so that you can try different approaches to your research. For example, mental health might also be well-being, psychology, or mental state, or it could be a specific mental disorder such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or drug or alcohol abuse. Immigrants could also be refugees or migrant workers, or you could focus on a specific group of immigrants. Similarly, school could also be written as education, academics, or (more narrowly) as elementary school, high school, or college.

Databases also have options to revise your search by using limiters, such as searching for:

  • Only peer-reviewed articles
  • Within a specific date range
  • Within a specific type of source
  • By subject

Watch the following video to learn about using Boolean operators, quotation marks, and asterisks to refine your database search.