To Report What Others Have Said

The choices here about kinds of sources are easy: just use the same or similar sources that you used to answer your research question that you also think will be the most convincing to your audience.

Resources to Report What Others Have Said

  • Quantitative or Qualitative: Those sources that you used to answer your research question that you think will be most convincing to your audience
  • Fact or Opinion: Those sources that you used to answer your research question that you think will be most convincing to your audience
  • Scholarly, Professional, or Popular: Those sources that you used to answer your research question that you think will be most convincing to your audience
  • Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary: Those sources that you used to answer your research question that you think will be most convincing to your audience
  • Publication Format: Those sources that you used to answer your research question that you think will be most convincing to your audience