Visit this website:
Peruse it to see all of the foods with their mineral contents. Select 3 veggies, 3 fruits, and 3 fish to investigate. Then make columns or a spreadsheet with these 9 foods and their Daily Values. Find the following information for each food, and compare side by side on the worksheet.
Daily Value of:
- caloric content
- fat content
- sodium content
- fiber content
- top five minerals
In a brief paragraph, be sure to write why these particular foods were selected and what was discovered about the foods and their nutrients.
Peruse it to see all of the foods with their vitaminĀ contents. Select 3 veggies, 3 fruits, and 3 fish to investigate. Then make columns or a spreadsheet with these 9 foods and their Daily Values. Find the following information for each food and compare side by side on the worksheet.
Daily Value of:
- caloric content
- fat content
- sodium content
- fiber content
- list the top five vitamins
In a brief paragraph, be sure to write why these particular foods were chosen and what was discovered about the foods and their nutrients.