Discussion: Twelfth Night

Source reading: Twelfth Night

Discussion Prompt

Choose one prompt.

  1. Ambiguity of gender identity is one theme of Twelfth Night. To what extent do “clothes make the man” (or woman) in this play? Discuss at least two examples.
  2. How do you think Shakespeare wants us to feel about what Sir Toby Belch and his cronies do, especially for how they treat Malvolio? Do your feelings about them change during the course of the play?
  3. At the conclusion of Twelfth Night, why do you think Duke Orsino still insists on calling Viola “Cesario”?
  4. In Twelfth Night there are ambiguities of social rank as well as gender. Like Chaucer before him, Shakespeare seems to be showing that class lines are permeable. Choose at least two examples of these social rank ambiguities to discuss in your answer.

Discussion Board Instructions

Answer each question, unless otherwise specified. Number your answers (do not copy the prompt into your answers.)  Answers need not be of equal length, but all answers must be well developed. The word count total (250+) refers to all answers added together.

In the first sentence or two of your first answer identify the name of the work and full name of the author (if applicable).

Include at least one quotation from the work in your overall response. Use line number(s) to identify the location of your citation.  No works cited page is needed.

Recommended: Write your response on in a word processing document on your own computer, then copy and paste it into the message area of your thread. Keep a copy of what you posted.

Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement
Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate Unacceptable
Response: Content Length and Development 22 Points 19 Points 16 Points 11 Points 0 Points
Meets or exceeds the minimum length requirement. Demonstrates insight and understanding of the text(s) in an excellent, thorough, detailed, clear, and well developed response to the entire prompt. Response is comprised primarily of the student’s own answer(s), but is supported by at least one well chosen quotation. Meets the minimum length requirement. Demonstrates understanding of the text(s) in a good, clear, well developed response to the entire prompt. Response is comprised primarily of the student’s own answer(s), but is supported by at least one well chosen quotation. Meets or nearly meets the minimum length requirement. Demonstrates a basic understanding of the text(s) in a developed response to the prompt. Includes an adequate amount of the student’s own answer(s), but may incorporate too much summary, paraphrase, or quotations or lack a quotation for support. Meets or falls 15%+ short of the minimum length requirement. Inadequately responds to the prompt with answer(s) that are substantively incorrect, superficial, underdeveloped, and/or reliant mostly on summary, paraphrase, or quotations. Unacceptable development: Fails to meet at least 50% of the length requirement.
Response: Source Identification and Citation 4 points 3.5 points 3 Points 2 Points 0 Points
Clearly identifies by title and full name of author the name(s) of work(s) to be discussed. Cites material from source(s) as instructed in the assignment. Identifies the work(s) and author(s). Cites material from source(s) as instructed in the assignment. Identifies the work(s) or author(s). Cites adequately. Inadequately identifies source(s) and author(s) and/or inadequately cites source(s). Lacks identification and citation of source(s).
Response: Grammar and Mechanics 4 Points 3.5 Points 3 Points 2 Points 0 Points
Response is free or nearly free of errors in grammar (including but not limited to use of full sentences and appropriate word choice) and mechanics (including but not limited to spelling and punctuation). Response demonstrates occasional errors in grammar or mechanics that do not affect overall clarity. Demonstrates errors in grammar or mechanics that occasionally affect meaning. Inadequately meets standards for grammar and mechanics. Clarity is frequently affected. Unacceptable level of errors in grammar or mechanics. Clarity is greatly affected.
Comment 1: Engagement and Content 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 3.5 Points 0 Points
Demonstrates thorough engagement in a comment that is detailed, well crafted, and reflective. Demonstrates effective engagement in a comment that is effectively crafted and reflective. Demonstrates an adequate engagement in a comment that addresses at least one point of an answer to the other student’s response. Demonstrates inadequate engagement in a comment that only superficially or tangentially addresses the content of the other student’s response. Unacceptable development: Fails to meet at least 50% of the minimum length requirement.
Comment 1: Grammar and Mechanics and Length Requirement 3 Points 2.5 Points 2 Points 1.5 Points 0 Points
Contains few if any grammar or mechanics issues. Meets or exceeds the minimum length requirement. Contains few if any grammar or mechanics issues. Meets the length requirement. Contains grammar and/or mechanics issues that occasionally affect clarity. Meets or falls within 10% of the minimum length requirement. Inadequately meets standards for grammar and mechanics. Clarity is frequently affected. Meets or falls 15%+ short of the minimum length requirement. Unacceptable level of errors in grammar or mechanics that greatly affect clarity. (No credit for this element if fails to meet at least 50% of the minimum length requirement.)
Comment 2: Engagement and Content 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 3.5 Points 0 Points
Demonstrates thorough engagement with the content of the other student’s response in a comment that is detailed, well crafted, and reflective. Demonstrates effective engagement in a comment that is effectively crafted and reflective. Demonstrates an adequate engagement in a comment that engages with at least one point of content in the other student’s response. Demonstrates inadequate engagement in a comment that only superficially or tangentially addresses the content of the other student’s response. Unacceptable development: Fails to meet at least 50% of the length requirement.
Comment 2: Grammar and Mechanics and Length Requirement. 3 Points 2.5 Points 2 Points 1.5 Points 0 Points
Contains few if any grammar or mechanics issues. Meets or exceeds the minimum length requirement. Contains a few grammar and/or mechanics issues, but these do not affect overall clarity. Meets the minimum length requirement. Contains grammar and/or mechanics issues that occasionally affect clarity. Meets or falls within 10% of the minimum length requirement. Inadequately meets standards for grammar and mechanics. Clarity is frequently affected. Meets or falls 15%+ short of the minimum length requirement. Unacceptable level of errors in grammar or mechanics that greatly affect clarity. (No credit for this element if comment fails to meet at least 50% of the minimum length requirement.)