Assignment: Final Reflection


Answer all three (3) questions.

Total combined word count requirement of 500+ words (preferred range of 500-1000 words). Answers need not be of the same length.

Clarity, grammar and mechanics do count, so please proofread your answer.

Turn in your assignment as a Word or PDF file.

Prompts (answer all three):

  1. When reading a text for this literature course, what was your process (or approach)? Explain. For example, did you skim, then read in more detail? Did you look at resources or summaries before reading the works themselves? Did you dive right in to the work first and look at supporting material second? These are just a few possible approaches you may have used, and you may have had a couple of different approaches depending on the work. (There is no right or wrong answer; the question is simply asking you to reflect on and explain your own process.) (20 points)
  2. Consider what you have written for this course, including not just formal papers, but also informal or shorter assignments. Do not consider any feedback or grade, but only your own opinion about your own work.  Which assignment(s) are you most proud of? Why? (For clarity, please include a brief summary of what you wrote in these assignment(s) as part of your answer.) Did you find certain assignments more difficult? Explain. How did you overcome these difficulties? (20 points)
  3. What reading assignments would you recommend being omitted from future sections of this course? Explain briefly. What readings would you recommend be added to future sections of this course? The only limitation to the recommendations is that they must be writing from British authors and fit the time period of the course. (10 points)