Assignment: Social Media and Lawyering

Find three examples of a lawyer or law firm using social media effectively – that is – it provides a service or information that could lead to someone seeking out this lawyer or their firm as a client. These could be blog posts, twitter tweets, podcasts, Facebook pages, etc.  Put the link(s) into the Social Media & Lawyering homework wiki with a short explanation of why you think they are effective use of social media.

Find three examples of a lawyer or law firm’s poor use of social media. Put the links into the Social Media & Lawyering  homework wiki with a short explanation of why you think they are effective use of social media or why you think it is a poor use of social media.

Find three examples of business or personal use of social media that supports your personal feelings about soical media. Please make sure to link to these examples and explain how they support your opinion. Make sure to state your opinion of social media in society today.

Read at least two other classmates wiki entries and add additional links to support their post. You are not changing their post opinion but adding to the supporting resources. Make sure to note what you added and why.

This means you have a total of 5 wiki entries to make for full credit.