Reading: Revising Your Web Page

Ok, your page is a bit boring. For example, the title bar says “The title goes here.” Let’s put in a better title. Go back to Notepad. You’ve still got your web page open in Notepad, don’t you? If not, don’t worry. Just open the webpage in notepad to see the html code. The easiest way to open the webpage in notepad is to right-click on the filename in “Windows Explorer” or “My Computer,” then choose Open With > Notepad.

Now change the title to something good, like “Marvin’s awesome first page”, or whatever. If you’re not Marvin you might want to change the name. Also, change the level one heading (that’s the stuff between the beginning <h1> tag and the ending </h1> tag) to something better. Maybe “Marvin Rocks” or whatever.

Now you’ve made the changes in Notepad. But you don’t see “Marvin Rocks” in your browser. There are two things you have to do to make the changes in Notepad show up in the browser.

  1. Do a “File > Save” in Notepad
  2. Hit the “refresh” or “reload” button on your browser

Awesome. You did it. You made your first web page.