Module 6 Overview

What You’ll Learn To Do: Examine Northern Renaissance art during the Reformation and its impact on art history as a whole.

In Module 6 we will examine Northern Renaissance art during the Reformation. We will look at how artists like Bruegel contributed to the development of Western art. It is imperative to understand Northern Renaissance art during the Reformation in order to see how it impacted later artistic developments.

Learning Activities

The learning activities for this module include:
Finger hovering over digital icons on a screen

  • Review: Key Learning Items

The Reformation

  • Watch: Introduction to the Protestant Reformation (four videos: 8:17, 11:14, 8:15, and 9:40)
  • Watch: Dürer’s Four Apostles (5:51)
  • Watch: Self-Portrait 1498 (2:13)
  • Watch: Self-Portrait 1500 (3:23)
  • Read: What Is a Print?
  • Watch: Dürer’s Prints (4:53)
  • Watch: Bosch’s Last Judgment (8:51)
  • Watch: Altdorfer’s Battle of Issus (4:43)
  • Watch: Cranach’s Adam and Eve (5:01)
  • Read: Cranach’s Wittenberg Altarpiece
  • Watch: Holbein’s The Ambassadors (7:32)
  • Watch: Portrait of Henry the VIII (4:10)
  • Watch: Bruegel’s The Dutch Proverbs (2:20)

Extra Review

  • Review: External Resources


  • Submit: Module 6 Quiz (5 points)