Module 7 Overview

What You’ll Learn To Do: Examine Italian Baroque art, its artists, and its impact on art history.

In Module 7 we will examine Italian Baroque art. We will look at how artists like Bernini contributed to the development of Western art. It is imperative to understand Italian Baroque art in order to see how it impacted later artistic developments.

Learning Activities

The learning activities for this module include:
Finger hovering over digital icons on a screen

  • Review: Key Learning Items

The Baroque

  • Read: Introduction to the Baroque
  • Read: Baroque Art in Italy
  • Read: Bernini’s David (includes a video: 3:54)
  • Watch: Bernini’s St. Peter’s Square (2:50)
  • Read: Bernini’s Ecstasy of St. Teresa (includes a video: 7:32)
  • Watch: Borromini’s San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (6:52)
  • Read: Coffered Dome Explained
  • Read: Caravaggio’s Deposition
  • Read: Caravaggio’s Calling of St. Matthew (includes a video: 6:21)
  • Read: Caravaggio and his followers
  • Watch: Il Gesu, Rome (8:07)
  • Watch: Gentileschi (4:00)
  • Watch: Carracci’s Ceiling of the Farnese Palace (9:37)
  • Read: Quadro Riportato Explained

Extra Review

  • Review: External Resources


  • Submit: Module 7 Quiz (5 points)
  • Discuss: Unit 1 Discussion Essay (30 points)
  • Submit: Unit 1 Scavenger Hunt (50 points)
  • Complete: Exam 1