Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders is another important player in helping control infectious disease outbreaks. Doctors Without Borders is an independent organization that provides medical care in the places that need it most. One thing Doctors Without Borders does is that it helps supply areas with medical supplies. They have pre-packaged disaster kits that can be ready to transport with little notice. These kits can contain items such as complete surgical theatre or obstetrics supplies. Doctors Without Borders has centers located in East Asia, East Africa, Europe, and Central America in order to help dispense supplies more quickly. This organization currently has programs in almost one hundred countries. They have been an integral part of treating many outbreaks.

One example of a disease that Doctors Without Borders has continually been involved with is Ebola. The organization treated thousands of people with Ebola during a few outbreaks. For the 2014 epidemic, Doctors Without Borders responded in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. They set up treatment centers with focuses on health promotion, psychological support, surveillance, and contact tracing. They admitted 10,376 patients to treatment centers, with more than half being confirmed Ebola cases (Moore, 2014).

Another outbreak Doctors Without Borders responded to was the Meningitis C outbreaks. These outbreaks occurred in Nigeria and Niger. In Nigeria, Doctors Without Borders helped treat almost two thousand five hundred patients. They also assisted with the vaccination of almost three-hundred thousand people. In Niger, the vaccination coverage was larger. The vaccination campaigns reached more than four-hundred thousand people. They also assisted a few hospitals by dispensing equipment and provided extra medical staff (Barbero, 2017).

A third outbreak that Doctors Without Borders has sent aid to was the cholera outbreaks. In 2017, over one million people had cholera in Yemen. Yemen had a poor health infrastructure due to an internal conflict. This caused the largest cholera outbreak since records started being kept. Doctors Without Borders provided cholera kits, investigation tools, and treatment for the cholera outbreak. Doctors Without Borders treated 143,100 people with cholera. They also try to improve the water quality, sanitation, and community health promotion in countries affected with cholera outbreaks (Rogard, 2015).