Resources and References


Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, Office of Human Development Services, United States Department of Health and Human Services. Child Welfare Manual (Links to an external site.). Chapter 1 Section 7. Retrieved on 8/12/2018.

Gargiulo, Richard and Jennifer Kilgo. An Introduction to Very Young Children with Special Needs.4th edition. P. 56 -61. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Learning Resources. Parent’s Reactions to their Child’s Disability (Links to an external site.) by on 8/12/2018.

Pew Research Center. The American Family Today (Links to an external site.) (excerpts). Retrieved on 8/12/2018.

Education Week. Same Sex Parents: A Statistical Snapshot (Links to an external site.). Retrieved on 8/12/2018

Project 10 Transition education Network (Links to an external site.). Retrieved on 8/12/2018.

NCIP. Parent-Professional Partnerships in Early Intervention (Links to an external site.), Chapter 2. Retrieved on 8/12/2018.