References and Licenses/Attributions


Martin Luther on Reformed Education – Dr. R. Faber SpindleWorks. Retrieved on 8/5/18.

John Amos Comenius.Encyclopedia Britannica. Sadler, John. (Links to an external site.). Retrieved on 8/5/2018.

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Image Orbispictus. Kids Encyclopedia Facts.  (Links to an external site.)Located at:  (Links to an external site.)License CC-BY-SA-3.0. Retrieved on 8/6/18.

Martin Luther facts. Kiddle encyclopedia (Links to an external site.) . Located at (Links to an external site.). Retrieved on 8/6/2018. License  CC BY-SA 3.0 (Links to an external site.).

Comenius Facts. Kiddle encyclopedia (Links to an external site.) . Located at  (Links to an external site.) Retrieved on 8/6/2018. License  CC BY-SA 3.0 (Links to an external site.).

An Introduction to Young Children with Special Needs. Gargiulo, Richard & Kilgo, Jennifer. Wadsworth, Cengage, 2012.

John Locke. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP). . Located at  (Links to an external site.)Retrieved on 8/11/18.

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