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photo credits
p. 3 Bog Turtle by R.G. Tucker ning.jpg
p. 4 Oscar Mayer Wienermobile byJalopnik of-the-wienermobile/gallery/1
p. 4 Mac vs PC c.pc.users/t1larg.mac.pc.2.jpg
p. 5 Rio Nido Mudslide by Dave Gately _1337_-_Photograph_by_Dave_Gatley_taken_on_03-01- 1998_in_California.jpg
p. 8 Rainbow Trout by Jonathunder
p. 8 Mayor Carol Shafto by Michigan Municipal League 28314099/
p. 10 Maj. Gen John Nichols by Texas Military Forces 49970/
Candela Citations
- Chapter 8 References. Authored by: Joshua Trey Barnett. Provided by: University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN. Located at: Project: The Public Speaking Project. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives