Instructure Canvas

Upon request, your Lumen team will provide you with a “Thin Common Cartridge” (ThinCC) that will make it easy to link your Candela course to Canvas.  Email with the URL for your Candela course to get the ThinCC.
The ThinCC will be a zip file. When receive it, you do not need to unzip it.

Import Your Lumen Course into Canvas

  1. In your Canvas course, go to Settings/Import.
  2. Select Common Cartridge 1.x package.
  3. Choose file and select the ThinCC file you received from Lumen (don’t unzip).
  4. Skip test bank pulldown, and select “all content.”  No need to select anything else.
  5. Import.
  6. The import will run, and then fail with 1 issue that is expected.

Clear the Extra External App Configuration

  1. Navigate to Settings/ Apps.
  2. View App Configurations.
  3. Delete candela External App (should be the only one with the trash can option).
  4. Confirm delete.
  5. At this point, you should be able to view all book pages in “Modules” section of your course.