Embed Content

Candela supports a technology called oEmbed, which is how you should embed YouTube, Open Assessments, and Slideshares (among other things) in open courses. If you use <iframes>, Candela will automatically delete what you embed in open courses.


To embed a YouTube video, go to video’s YouTube page. Look for the “Share” button under the video, and copy the URL in the Share bar. Paste it into Candela.

Locating Share Link in YouTube


The code will look like this:


and the end result will look like this:

Note: If a YouTube user has prevented the embedding of a video on a web page, the video frame will not appear in Candela. Instead, only the link will be visible. Here’s where you can check if a user has prevented embedding of his/her video content:







Open Embedded Assessments

To embed an Open Embedded Assessment, go to assessment’s page. Copy the URL of the assessment you want to embed from the top of the browser window, and paste it into Candela.



The code will look like this:


and the end result will look like this:


To embed an Slideshare presentations, go to presentation’s page. Copy the URL of the presentation you want to embed from the top of the browser window, and paste it into Candela.

Slideshare URL


The code will look like this:


and the end result will look like this: