Noncommunicable and Communicable Diseases and Disorders

Noncommunicable Diseases and Disorders

Diseases are classified as either communicable or noncommunicable. Communicable diseases are spread to other people and they are caused by viral, bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infection. Noncommunicable diseases, also known as non- infectious diseases, are not transferred and are typically caused by heredity, deficiencies in nutrition, or factors involving the environment. Some noncommunicable diseases include –

  • Respiratory disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Headaches
  • Arthritis
  • Skin disorders
  • Neurological disorders
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Diseases and Disorders

Communicable (Infectious) Diseases

Infectious diseases kill more people worldwide than any other single cause. Infectious diseases are caused by germs. Germs are tiny living things that are found everywhere – in air, soil and water. You can get infected by touching germs.

There are four main kinds of germs:

  • Bacteria – one-celled germs that multiply quickly and may release chemicals which can make you sick
  • Viruses – capsules that contain genetic material, and use your own cells to multiply
  • Fungi – primitive vegetables, like mushrooms or mildew
  • Protozoa – one-celled animals that use other living things for food and a place to live