In this course, you will encounter new terms and vocabulary. Most of these words aren’t a part of common vocabulary, and will likely be unfamiliar to you. This Anatomy & Physiology Pronunciation Guide, from OpenStax, will help you learn the correct pronunciation of terms as you learn what they mean.
Key Term | Pronunciation |
cecum | se’kum |
centriole | sen’tre-ol |
cerebral aqueduct | ser’ĕ-bral, sĕ-re’bral |
cerebral cortex | ser’ĕ-bral, sĕ-re’bral kor’teks |
cerebral peduncles | ser’ĕ-bral, sĕ-re’bral |
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) | ser”ĕ-bro-spi’nal |
channel protein | pro’tēn |
chemoreceptor | ke”mo-re-sep’ter |
cholecystokinin (CCK) | ko”le-sis”to-ki’nin |
chondrocytes | kon’dro-sīts |
choroid | ko’roid |
chromatin | kro’mah-tin |
chromosome | kro’mo-somz |
chyme | kīm |
cilia | sil’e-ah |
circumduction | ser”kum-duk’shun |
cisterna chyli | sis-ter’nah ki’li |
cochlear duct | dukt |
codon | ko’don |
colloid | kol’oid |
cone photoreceptor | fo”to-re-sep’tor |
conjunctiva | kon”junk-ti’vah |
cornea | kor’ne-ah |
corona radiata | kor-o’nah ra-de-ah’tah |
cortisol | kor’tih-sol |
covalent bond | ko-va’lent |
cranium | kra’ne-um |
creatine phosphate | kre’ah-tin fos-fāt |
cutaneous membrane | ku-ta’ne-us |
cytokinesis | si”to-kĭ-ne’sis |
cytoplasm | si’to-plazm |
defecation | def”ih-ka’shun |
deglutition | deg”loo-tish’un |
dehydration | de”hi-dra’shun |
dendrite | den’drīt |
deoxyribonucleic acid | de-ok”sĭ-ri”bo-nu-kla’ik |
depolarization | de-po”ler-ah-za’shun |
dermal papilla | pah-pil’ah |
desmosome | dez’muh-sōm |
diapedesis | di”ah-pĕ-de’sis |
diaphysis | di-af’ĭ-sis |
diastole | di-as’to-le |
diploë | dip’lo-e |
diplopia | dĭ-plo’pe-ah |
DNA polymerase | de-ok”sĭ-ri”bo-nu-kla’ik |
DNA replication | de-ok”sĭ-ri”bo-nu-kla’ik |
dural sinus | si’nus |
eccrine sweat gland | ek’rin |
edema | ĕ-de’mah |
effector protein | ef-ek’ter pro’tēn |
ejaculatory duct | dukt |
elastic cartilage | kar’tĭ-lij |
electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) | e-lek”tro-car’de-o-gram” |
endocardium | en”do-kar’de-um |
endochondral ossification | en”do-kon’dral os”ĭ-fi-ka’shun |
endoderm | en’do-derm |
endometrium | en”do-me’tre-um |
endomysium | en”do-mis’e-um |
endosteum | en-dos’te-um |
endothelium | en”do-the’le-um |
enteric plexus | plek’sus |
enzyme | en’zīm |
ependymal cell | ĕ-pen’dĭ-mul |
epidermis | ep”ĭ-der’mis |
epididymis | ep”ĭ-dĭ’dĭ-mis |
epiglottis | eh”puh-glah’tis |
epimysium | ep”ĭ-mis’e-um |
epinephrine | ep”ĭ-nef’rin |
epiphyseal line | e”pĭ-fis’e-ul |
epiphyseal plate | e”pĭ-fis’e-ul |
epithelial tissue | ep”ĭ-the’le-ul |
erythrocyte | e-rith’ro-sīt |
estrogens | es’tro-jenz |
exocrine gland | ek’so-krin |
exocytosis | ek”so-si-to’sis |
external acoustic meatus | me-a’tus |
external anal sphincter | sfink’ter |
external urinary sphincter | sfink’ter |
exteroceptor | ek”ster-o-sep’tor |
extrinsic eye muscles | ek-strin’sik |
facilitated diffusion | dĭ-fu’zhun |
fascicle | fas’ĭ-kl |
fast oxidative (FO) | ok’sĭ-da”tiv |
feces | fe’sēz |
fibrin | fi’brin |
fibrinogen | fi-brin’o-jin |
fibroblast | fi’bro-blast |
fibular collateral ligament | lig’ah-ment |
fixator | fix’a-ter |
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) | ad’ĕ-nēn |
flexion | flek’shun |
follicle | fah’lih-kul |
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) | fah’lih-kul |
foramen lacerum | fo-ra’men |
foramen magnum | fo-ra’men |
foramen ovale | fo-ra’men |
foramen ovale of the middle cranial fossa | fo-ra’men fos’ah |
foramen rotundum | fo-ra’men |
foramen spinosum | fo-ra’men |
frontal sinus | si’nus |
fundus | fun’dus |
G protein | pro’tēn |
gamete | gam’ēt |
ganglion | gang’gle-on |
ganglionic neuron | gan”gle-ah’nik nu’ron |
gastrulation | gas”troo-la’shun |
genotype | jen’o-tīp |
glans penis | pe’nis |
glenohumeral ligament | lig’ah-ment |
glial cell | gle’al |
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) | glo-mer’yoo-ler |
glottis | glah’tis |
glucagon | gloo’kah-gon |
glucocorticoids | gloo”ko-kor’tĭ-koidz |
gluconeogenesis | gloo”ko-ne”o-jen’ĕ-sis |
glycocalyx | gli”ko-kal’iks |
glycolysis | gli-kol’ĭ-sis |
Golgi apparatus | gol’je |
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) | gon”ah-do-trōp’in |
gonadotropins | gon”ah-do-trōp’inz |
gonads | go’nads |
greater splanchnic nerve | splangk’nik |
gustation | gus-ta’shun |
gustatory receptor cells | re-sep’tor |
hard palate | pal’at |
hematocrit | he-mat’o-krit |
hematopoiesis | hem”ah-to-poi-e’sis |
heme | hēm |
hemoglobin | he’muh-glo-bin |
hemophilia | he”mo-fil’e-ah |
hemopoiesis | he”mo-poi-e’sis |
hemostasis | he”mo-sta’sis |
hepatic artery | hĕ-pat’ik |
hepatic artery proper | hĕ-pat’ik |
hepatic portal system | hĕ-pat’ik |
hepatic portal vein | hĕ-pat’ik vān” |
hepatic vein | hĕ-pat’ik vān” |
hepatopancreatic ampulla | pan”kre-at’ik am-pul’lah |
hepatopancreatic sphincter | pan”kre-at’ik sfink’ter |
heterozygous | het”er-o-zi’gus |
histamine | his’tuh-mēn |
histology | his-tol’o-je |
homeostasis | ho”me-o-sta’sis |
homologous | ho-mol’ŏ-gus |
homozygous | ho-mo-zi’gus |
hyaline cartilage | hi’ah-līn kar’tĭ-lij |
hypercapnia | hi”per-kap’ne-ah |
hyperglycemia | hi”per-gli-se’me-ah |
hyperplasia | hi”per-pla’ze-ah |
hypertrophy | hi-per’trah-fe |
hypophyseal (pituitary) fossa | hi”po-fiz’-e-al (pĭ-tu’ih-tayr”e) fos’ah |
hypophyseal portal system | hi”po-fiz’-e-al sis-tem |
hypothalamus | hi”po-thal’ah-mus |
hypovolemic shock | hi”po-vo-le’mik |
hypoxia | hi-pok’se-ah |
ileocecal sphincter | il”e-o-se’kal sfink’ter |
ileum | il’e-um |
iliofemoral ligament | lig’ah-ment |
inferior mesenteric ganglion | mes”en-ter’ik gang’gle-on |
inflammation | in”flah-ma’shun |
infraorbital foramen | fo-ra’men |
infundibulum | in”fun-dib’u-lum |
inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP) | post-si-nap’tik |
integral protein | pro’tēn |
integumentary system | in-teg”u-men’tar-e sis-tem |
intercalated disc | in-ter’kah-la”ted |
interferons | in-ter-fēr’ons |
internal acoustic meatus | me-a’tus |
internal anal sphincter | sfink’ter |
internal carotid artery | kar-rot’id |
interoceptor | in”ter-o-sep’tor |
interstitial fluid (IF) | in”ter-stish’al |
intervertebral disc | in”ter-ver’teh-brul |
intramembranous ossification | os”ĭ-fi-ka’shun |
ion | ī’on |
ionic bond | ī-ah’nik |
ischiofemoral ligament | lig’ah-ment |
isometric contraction | i”so-mĕ’trik |
isotonic contraction | i”so-tah’nik |
isotope | i’so-tōp |
jejunum | jĕ-joo’num |
jugular foramen | fo-ra’men |
juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) | juks”tah-glo-mer’u-lar |
keratin | ker’ah-tin |
ketone bodies | ke’tōn |
kinetic energy | ki-net’ik |
labia majora | la’be-ah |
labia minora | la’be-ah |
lacrimal bone | lak’ri-mal |
lacrimal gland | lak’ri-mal |
lactation | lak-ta’shun |
lacteal | lak’te-al |
lactic acid | lak’tik |
lactiferous ducts | dukts |
lactiferous sinus | si’nus |
lambdoid suture | soo’cher |
lamina propria | lam’ĭ-nah |
laryngopharynx | fayr’inks |
larynx | lar’ingks |
lateral sulcus | sul’kus |
leukocytosis | loo”ko-si-to’sis |
leukopenia | loo”ko-pe’ne-ah |
limbic system | lim’bik sis-tem |
lipids | lih’pids |
lipogenesis | lĭ-po-jen’eh-sis |
lipoprotein lipase | lĭ-po-pro’tēn |
longitudinal fissure | fih’sher |
lumbar enlargement | lum’bar |
lumbar plexus | lum’bar plek’sus |
lumbar puncture | lum’bar |
lumbar vertebrae | lum’bar |
lumen | loo’min |
luteinizing hormone (LH) | lu’te-in-īz”ing |
lymph node | limf |
lymphatic capillaries | lim-fat’ik kap’il-layr”ēs |
lymphatic trunks | lim-fat’ik |
lysosome | li’so-sōm |
macrophage | mak’ro-fāj” |
macula | mak’u-lah |
major duodenal papilla | pah-pil’ah |
mammary glands | mam’mer-e |
mandible | man’dĭ-bl |
mandibular fossa | fos’ah |
mastication | mas”tĭ-ka’shun |
maxillary sinus | si’nus |
mechanoreceptor | meh”kĕ-no-re-sep’tor |
medial geniculate nucleus | me’de-ahl nu’kle-is |
medulla | mĕ-dul’ah |
melanin | mel’ah-nin |
melatonin | mel”ah-to’nin |
menarche | mĕ-nar’ke |
meninges | mĕ-nin’jēz |
mesencephalon | mes”en-sef’ah-lon |
mesenchyme | meh’zin-kīm |
mesoderm | mez’o-derm |
metabolic acidosis | mĕt”ah-bol’ik as”ĭ-do’sis |
metabolic alkalosis | mĕt”ah-bol’ik al”kah-lo’sis |
metabolic rate | mĕt”ah-bol’ik |
metabolism | mĕ-tab’o-lizm |
metabotropic receptor | re-sep’tor |
metastasis | mĕ-tas’tah-sis |
microfilament | mi”kro-fil’ah-ment |
microglia | mi-kro’gle-ah |
microtubule | mi”kro-tu’būl |
micturition | mik”tu-rish’un |
middle cranial fossa | fos’ah |
mineralocorticoids | min”er-al”ō-kor’tih-koydz |
minerals | min’er-alz |
mitochondrion | mi”to-kon’dre-on |
molar | mo’lar |
monocyte | mon’o-sīt |
monosaccharide | mon”o-sak’ah-rīd |
morula | mor’u-lah |
mucous membrane | myoo’kus |
mucous neck cell | myoo’kus |
muscarinic receptor | mus”kah-rin’ik re-sep’tor |
myelin sheath | mi’ĕ-lin |
myocardial infarction | mi”o-kar’de-al in-fark’shun |
myocardium | mi”o-kar’de-um |
myofibril | mi”o-fi’bril |
myometrium | mi”o-me’tre-um |
nasal bone | na’sal |
nasal cavity | na’sal |
nasal septum | na’sal |
nephrons | nef’rons |
nerve plexus | plek’sus |
neuroglia | nu-rog’le-ah |
neuron | nu’ron |
neuropeptide | nu”ro-pep’tīd |
neutron | nu’tron |
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) | ad’ĕ-nēn dĭ-nu’kle-o-tīd |
nicotinic receptor | nik”o-tin’ik re-sep’tor |
nociceptor | no”se-sep’tor |
nonshivering thermogenesis | ther”mo-jen’ĕ-sis |
norepinephrine | nor”ep-ĭ-nef’rin |
nucleolus | nu-kle’o-lus |
nucleosome | nu’kle-o-sōm |
nucleotide | nu’kle-o-tīd |
nucleus | nu’kle-is |
nucleus pulposus | nu’kle-is |
olfactory epithelium | ep”ĭ-the’le-um |
oligodendrocyte | ol”ĭ-go-den’dro-sīt |
oocyte | o’o-sīt |
oogenesis | o”o-jen’ĕ-sis |
optic canal | op’tik |
optic chiasma | op’tik ki-az’muh |
optic disc | op’tik |
optic nerve | op’tik |
optic tract | op’tik |
organ of Corti | kor’tih |
organ system | sis-tem |
oropharynx | fayr’inks |
osmosis | oz-mo’sis |
ossicles | ah’sih-kulz |
ossification | os”ĭ-fi-ka’shun |
osteoblast | os’te-o-blast |
osteoclast | os’te-o-klast |
osteocyte | os’te-o-sīt |
osteoid | os’te-oid |
osteomalacia | os”te-o-mah-la’she-ah |
osteon | os’te-on |
osteoporosis | os”te-o-po-ro’sis |
ovarian cycle | o-vayr’e-an |
ovulation | ov”u-la’shun |
ovum | o’vum |
oxidation | oks’ĭ-da”shun |
oxidation–reduction reaction | oks’ĭ-da”shun |
oxidative phosphorylation | ok’sĭ-da”tiv fos”for-ĭ-la’shun |
oxyhemoglobin | ok”sĭ-he”mo-glo’bin |
oxytocin | ok”sĭ-to’sin |
pancreas | pan’kre-us |
pancreatic amylase | pan”kre-at’ik |
pancreatic islets | pan”kre-at’ik |
pancreatic juice | pan”kre-at’ik |
pancreatic nuclease | pan”kre-at’ik |
papilla | pah-pil’ah |
paracrine | par’ah-krin |
paranasal sinus | si’nus |
parasympathetic nervous system | sis-tem |
parathyroid glands | par”ah-thi’roid |
parathyroid hormone (PTH) | par”ah-thi’roid |
paravertebral ganglia | par”ah-ver’tĕ-brul gang’gle-ah |
parietal bone | pah-ri’ĕ-tal |
parietal cell | pah-ri’ĕ-tal |
parietal lobe | pah-ri’ĕ-tal |
parieto-occipital sulcus | sul’kus |
parturition | par”tu-rish’un |
passive immunity | im”ūn’ĭ-te |
patellar ligament | lig’ah-ment |
pectoral girdle | pek’tor-al |
pelvic diaphragm | pel’vik di’ah-fram |
pelvic girdle | pel’vik |
penis | pe’nis |
peptide bond | pep’tīd |
pericardium | per”ĭ-kar’de-um |
perimysium | per”ĭ-mis’e-um |
perineum | per”ĭ-ne’um |
periodontal ligament | lig’ah-ment |
periosteum | per”e-os’te-um |
peripheral nervous system (PNS) | sis-tem |
peripheral protein | pro’tēn |
peristalsis | per”i-stal’sis |
peroxisome | pĕ-roks’ĭ-sōm |
phagocytosis | fag”o-si-to’sis |
pharynx | fayr’inks |
phenotype | fe’no-tīp |
phospholipid | fos”fo-lip’id |
photoreceptor | fo”to-re-sep’tor |
physiology | fiz”e-ol’o-je |
pineal gland | pin’e-al |
pinocytosis | pe”no-si-to’sis |
pituitary dwarfism | pĭ-tu’ih-tayr”e |
pituitary gland | pĭ-tu’ih-tayr”e |
plantar flexion | flek’shun |