abducens nerve: sixth cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of one of the extraocular muscles
brachial plexus: nerve plexus associated with the lower cervical spinal nerves and first thoracic spinal nerve
cervical plexus: nerve plexus associated with the upper cervical spinal nerves
cranial nerve: one of twelve nerves connected to the brain that are responsible for sensory or motor functions of the head and neck
endoneurium: innermost layer of connective tissue that surrounds individual axons within a nerve
epineurium: outermost layer of connective tissue that surrounds an entire nerve
esophageal plexus: neuronal plexus in the wall of the esophagus that is part of the enteric nervous system
extraocular muscles: six skeletal muscles that control eye movement within the orbit
facial nerve: seventh cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of the facial muscles and for part of the sense of taste, as well as causing saliva production
fascicle: small bundles of nerve or muscle fibers enclosed by connective tissue
femoral nerve: systemic nerve of the anterior leg that arises from the lumbar plexus
fibular nerve: systemic nerve of the posterior leg that begins as part of the sciatic nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve: ninth cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of muscles in the tongue and throat and for part of the sense of taste, as well as causing saliva production
intercostal nerve: systemic nerve in the thoracic cavity that is found between two ribs
lumbar plexus: nerve plexus associated with the lumbar spinal nerves
median nerve: systemic nerve of the arm, located between the ulnar and radial nerves
nerve plexus: network of nerves without neuronal cell bodies included
oculomotor nerve: third cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of four of the extraocular muscles, the muscle in the upper eyelid, and pupillary constriction
olfaction: special sense responsible for smell, which has a unique, direct connection to the cerebrum
olfactory nerve: first cranial nerve; responsible for the sense of smell
optic nerve: second cranial nerve; responsible for visual sensation
perineurium: layer of connective tissue surrounding fascicles within a nerve
phrenic nerve: systemic nerve from the cervical plexus that enervates the diaphragm
plexus: network of nerves or nervous tissue
radial nerve: systemic nerve of the arm, the distal component of which is located near the radial bone
sacral plexus: nerve plexus associated with the lower lumbar and sacral spinal nerves
saphenous nerve: systemic nerve of the lower anterior leg that is a branch from the femoral nerve
sciatic nerve: systemic nerve from the sacral plexus that is a combination of the tibial and fibular nerves and extends across the hip joint and gluteal region into the upper posterior leg
sciatica: painful condition resulting from inflammation or compression of the sciatic nerve or any of the spinal nerves that contribute to it
spinal accessory nerve: eleventh cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of neck muscles
spinal nerve: one of 31 nerves connected to the spinal cord
systemic nerve: nerve in the periphery distal to a nerve plexus or spinal nerve
tibial nerve: systemic nerve of the posterior leg that begins as part of the sciatic nerve
trigeminal ganglion: sensory ganglion that contributes sensory fibers to the trigeminal nerve
trigeminal nerve: fifth cranial nerve; responsible for cutaneous sensation of the face and contraction of the muscles of mastication
trochlear nerve: fourth cranial nerve; responsible for contraction of one of the extraocular muscles
ulnar nerve: systemic nerve of the arm located close to the ulna, a bone of the forearm
vagus nerve: tenth cranial nerve; responsible for the autonomic control of organs in the thoracic and upper abdominal cavities
vestibulocochlear nerve: eighth cranial nerve; responsible for the sensations of hearing and balance