The following list shows a summary of the topics covered in this course. To see all of the course pages, visit the Table of Contents.
Module 1: Grammar
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Non-Finite Verbs
- Adjectives and Adverbs
- Other Parts of Speech
Module 2: Punctuation
- Punctuation
Module 3: Usage
- Usage
Module 4: Sentence Structure
- Sentence Structure
- Parallel Structure
- Active and Passive Voice
Module 5: Writing Process
- Rhetorical Context
- How to Write a Thesis Statement
- The Perfect Paragraph
- Introductions and Conclusions
- Higher Order Concerns for Editing
- Lower Order Concerns for Proofreading
- The Importance of Spelling
- Revising With Style In Mind
Module 6: Research
- Research Strategies
- Plagiarism
Module 7: MLA Citations
- MLA Documentation
Module 8: APA Citations
- APA Documentation