Literary Elements in Huckleberry Finn

This page offers a small selection of videos that analyze different literary elements in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  There are more literary elements than these in the novel, just as there are many more resources about the novel.  These were selected to provide a few video samples of analytical thinking about the novel.

The following video analyzes literary elements of symbolism and irony in Huckleberry Finn.

The following video offers an insightful character analysis of Jim, and a discussion of Jim at the end of the novel. Please note that the narrator uses the “n” word, not in a perjorative way, but simply as part of a discussion of the novel. (Note that there are ads that you can skip between each section of the video.)

This video discusses metaphor and symbols, especially the river, and relate those to the ending of Huckleberry Finn.

This video has a very animated lecturer, talking to a high school class. He explains many different targets of Twain’s satire in Huckleberry Finn.