
This is a resource site related to a course in American Literature 1865-Present. There are two kinds of resources.

Text Pages

cover of Huckleberry Finn, 1884

Two text pages, Reading American Literature and Writing about American Literature, are required reading in the course. These pages contain useful information about the processes of reading and writing about literary works, as well as links to other, more specific resources (e.g., how to read poetry, how to write a literary analysis essay, how to cite sources).  In addition to reading these pages as directed, please refer to them as needed throughout the course.


The bulk of the resource site is made up of videos relevant to the course readings. There is not a video for every piece of literature you are required to read, but there are many videos that may offer insights into different analyses of a literary text, how to go about analyzing a literary text, the cultural/historical context in which a text was written, and/or an author’s background. Please view videos as you wish – you may find they contain useful information about literary works that are confusing and/or interesting to you. Some pages also contain links to articles that offer analyses of different literary works.