Introduction to Educational Planning

What is Educational Planning?

graduating student

The Short Answer

Choosing courses to complete your degree.

The Real Answer

Educational planning is always more than choosing courses.  It also may involve:

  • considering the knowledge and skills that might be expected of you as a professional in a certain field
  • deciding whether you have gained college-level knowledge through work or any other type of experience, and deciding whether you want to pursue credit through Empire’s Prior Learning Assessment process
  • planning an undergraduate degree to prepare for and lead into graduate study
  • considering your own interests and what you want to learn in addition to what you need to learn for your type of degree
  • anything else related to your educational journey at Empire…

Philosophy Behind Educational Planning: Informed Decision-Making

One important idea behind educational planning is that, as a student, you should be aware of the knowledge and skills needed both to complete your degree and to advance to your next step after the degree.

Another important idea is that when there’s opportunity for choice, you have a voice in what you want to study and why.

Educational Planning is all about informed choice – the planning process helps enhance informed decision-making skills that are transferable to and important in many life situations.