Certifications/Advanced Professional Degrees

  • What criteria do you need to fulfill, and what knowledge is expected, for external certification in a specific profession?
  • What criteria do you need to fulfill, and what knowledge is expected, for acceptance into graduate work or an advanced professional certification in your field?

decorative imageAs you plan your degree, you also need to ask and answer questions such as these.

Some fields, such as accounting, have very specific knowledge and skills requirements to prepare to sit for the CPA exam.

Some graduate programs, such as a Master’s in Social Work, may require preparatory undergraduate coursework in human development, biology, and/or psychology, among other areas.  If you don’t have those courses in your bachelor’s degree, they will require you to take them before applying.

The point here is that you may want to work “backwards,” if you already are aware of your next step professionally.  Investigate that next step—whether it’s advanced professional certification or an advanced professional degree—and see what knowledge expectations and requirements you can address in the degree you’re planning at ESC.