Sex & Gender Globally

This open textbook was created by Nadine Fernandez and Deborah Amory to support the teaching of the online course, Sex and Gender in Global Perspective, at SUNY Empire State College in the spring of 2019. We drew on a range of resources that are edited, remixed, and included here, and so owe a debt of gratitude to the original authors, who are still credited for their work. We would also like to thank the Joyce S. McKnight OER Academy at Empire State College for providing support for this work, Bob Kester for his fabulous instructional design expertise, as well as SUNY OER Services for their sound advice and amazing technological support. We look forward to the day when all educational resources are open and free to the public.



Lumen Learning

Lumen Learning provides a simple, supported path for faculty members to adopt and teach effectively with open educational resources (OER). Read more about what we do.