Assignment: Re-Assessed Fitness Level Results


It is time to reassess your fitness level. You will re-take the fitness pre-test to determine your fitness level.


  • Go to the President’s Challenge Website to take the test.
    • For the Aerobic test, you must select the same test (1 mile test or the 1.5 mile run test) you used in Unit Two
  • Submit your test results in the course.


Grading will be based on the following rubric:

Criteria Absent Present
Aerobic Fitness 0 points 1 point: Must include time, heart rate, VO2 max, and score (percentile)
Muscular fitness 0 points 1 point: Must include half sit-ups, push-ups,and scores (percentile) for each
Flexibility 0 points 1 point: Must include sit-and-reach result and score (percentile)
BMI 0 points 1 point
Waist circumference 0 points 1 point