Beginning at the top of a new page, the main body of the research paper follows the abstract and precedes the References page. Comprised of the Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion subsections, the main body acts as the third major section of the document and typically begins on the third page of the paper.
General Format
Like the rest of the paper, the pages of the main body should be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman, 12-pt. The margins are set at 1” on all sides. The page number is flush with the upper right-hand corner of every page.
The full title of the paper is centered directly above the introduction with no extra space between the title and the first paragraph. Avoid formatting the title with bold, italics, underlining, or quotation marks. The first letter of each major word in the title should be capitalized. Unlike other sections of the main body, the introduction does not require a heading or label.