Introduction to Other Parts of Speech

A person struggling to hold three boxes, one labelled with a conjunction, one with a preposition, and one with an article. He's saying "Uh, what should I do with these?"

Congratulations on making it this far through the grammar module of INTD 106! Instead of powering though the whole thing in one hit (especially if it is currently 2 a.m.), you might like to take some of your new or refreshed knowledge and try dropping it where it will do most good – into those INTD 105 essays, Geology lab reports, and the courses you are taking where you have something valuable to add to the scholarly conversation and would like to ensure that your thoughts (could) reach as many of your peers as possible. These grammar concepts aren’t ends in themselves – they are the means by which you achieve written, academic goals that are meaningful to you as a developing scholar. If you take a break now and try looking for and applying some of these concepts in writing you’re currently producing, we promise that the rest of our INTD 106 grammar module will be right here waiting for you when you get back…

… And welcome back! We’re turning now to the little connecting word categories: conjunctions, prepositions, and articles. These small words may not seem as important as verbs, nouns, and adjectives, but they also give our language structure.

  • Conjunctions connect words and ideas together.
  • Prepositions indicate relationships.
  • Articles provide information about nouns.