Lower-Order Concerns for Proofreading

Previously we examined higher-order concerns as part of the revision stage of the writing process. Once we move to the proofreading stage, it’s time to consider the lower-order concerns. The difference is simple: higher-order concerns are global issues, or issues that affect how a reader understands the entire paper; lower-order concerns are issues that don’t necessarily interrupt understanding of the writing by themselves.





Thesis statement






Development of ideas

Sentence structure

You may find yourself thinking, “Well, it depends,” or, “But what if…?” You’re absolutely right to think so. These lists are just guidelines; every writer will have a different hierarchy of concerns. Always try to think in terms of, “Does this affect my understanding of the writing?”

Are HOCs More Important than LOCs?

No, not necessarily. Higher-order concerns tend to interrupt a reader’s understanding of the writing, and that’s why they need to be addressed first. However, if a lower-order concern becomes a major obstacle, then it naturally becomes a higher priority. Tellingly, many people judge how well others can write by focusing on their mechanics; errors in punctuation and spelling are more obvious to most readers than gaps in logic or underdeveloped thesis statements.

Here are some issues that may be more difficult to categorize as explicitly higher- or lower-order since they may largely depend on the piece writing. If you think, “It depends,” make notes about the circumstances under which these issues could be a HOC or a LOC.

  • evaluating sources
  • citation method
  • style
  • paragraph structure
  • active vs. passive voice
  • format

The Importance of Speling Spelling

Word-processing programs usually have a spell-checker, and you should TURN IT ON, but you should still carefully check for correct changes to your words. This is because automatic spell-checkers may not always understand the context of a word.

Misspelling a word might seem like a minor mistake, but it can reflect very poorly on a writer. It suggests (however fairly or not) one of two things: either the writer does not care enough about their work to proofread it, or they do not know their topic well enough to properly spell words related to it. Either way, spelling errors will make a reader less likely to trust a writer’s authority.

Screenshot showing suggested spelling replacements for an unseen misspelled word: ban-and-forth, bacon-and-forth, barn-and-forth, back-and-forth, Add to Dictionary, UndoThe best way to ensure that a paper has no spelling errors is to look for them during the proofreading stage of the writing process. You can force yourself not to skim if you read the document backwards, word for word, looking for spelling errors. If the error is actually a typo (“teh” for “the” is common), you may have made the mistake more than once. You can use the find-and-replace function to search the document electronically for all instances of “teh” and correct them with the click of a button.

Sometimes, a writer just doesn’t know how to spell the word they want to use. This may be because the word is technical jargon or comes from a language other than their own. Other times, it may be a proper name that they have not encountered before. Anytime you want to use a word but are unsure of how to spell it, don’t guess. Instead, check a dictionary or other reference work to find its proper spelling. Look back at the original sources for proper nouns.

How to Address Other Lower-Order Concerns

Two students sitting at a round table in front of a bank of windowsAnalyze your use of source material. Check any paraphrases and quotations against the original texts. Quotations should replicate the original author’s words, while paraphrases should maintain the original author’s meaning but have altered language and sentence structures. For each source, confirm that you have adhered to the preferred style guide for your essay.

Consider individual sentences in terms of grammar, mechanics, and punctuation. Many concerns can be revised by isolating and examining different elements of the text. Read the text sentence by sentence, considering the grammar and sentence structure. Remember, a sentence may be grammatically correct and still confuse readers. If you notice a pattern—say, a tendency to misplace modifiers or add unnecessary commas—read the paper looking only for that error. Throughout the writing process and especially at this stage of revision, keep a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a writing handbook nearby (check out the Internet…). This process sounds laborious, and it might well be the first few times you undertake it, but you will learn pretty quickly what your bad habits are, and you can change them at the beginning of your college career. Better to work laboriously through a few five-page papers in your first year and improve your writing than to have to tear apart a senior thesis.

Strategies such as reading aloud and seeking feedback are useful at all points in the revision process. Reading aloud will give you distance from the text and prevent you from skimming over what is actually written on the page. This strategy will help you to identify both higher-order concerns, such as missing concepts, and lower-order concerns, such as typos. If you can’t bear to read your own work aloud, you can paste it into Brightspace or Google Translate and have their electronic voice read it for you.

Even more importantly, seeking feedback will allow you to test your ideas and writing on real readers. Seek feedback from readers both inside and outside of your target audience in order to gain different perspectives. Visit Geneseo’s Writing Learning Center (WLC) or your professor’s office hours. 

Proofreading Advice

The following video features two student tutors from the Writing and Reading Center at Fresno City College. In addition to great guidance about proofreading strategies, they also offer insights about what to expect when working with WLC tutors here at Geneseo.