Practice Activities: Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions

In this practice section, you will combine multiple sentences into a single sentence. For example, look at the sentences “Clint was very skilled at his job. Wade was very skilled at his job.” You would combine these two sentences into something like this, using coordinating conjunctions:

  • Clint and Wade were both very skilled at their jobs.
  • Clint was very skilled at his job, and Wade was, too.

When you combine sentences, you can remove repeated information. As you complete this exercise, type your answers in the text frame below.

  1. Wade was really impressed by Clint. Wade was anxious about working with him.
  2. Clint thought Wade was annoying. Clint thought Wade was unpredictable. Clint thought Wade was possibly dangerous.
  3. In the end, Clint worked well with Wade. In the end, Wade worked well with Clint.

Different Types of Conjunctions

All of the conjunctions have been removed from the following passage. Which conjunctions would best fill the gaps? Explain your reasoning why. The sentences have been numbered to aid you in your comments.

(1) Karni’s roommate, Joana, decided to drive to work; _____, Karni rode into the city with her. (2) They needed to turn left on Main Street, _____ that street was under construction. (3) _____ Karni could say anything, _____, Joana had already found an alternate route.

(4) _____ did Karni arrive at work, _____ her boss told her she would be working with her coworker Ian on her next project. (5) Karni was really impressed by Ian’s professional accomplishments, _____ she was anxious about working with him. (6) Karni thought Ian was annoying, unpredictable, _____ reckless.

(7) _____, Karni was willing to put aside her opinions to get the job done. (8) She knew Ian would put in his best effort _____ they worked together, _____ she felt she could do no less—_____ he frustrated her. (9) Personal relationships are often _____ important _____ professional skills.