Cohort II Coaching Retreat
August 7, 2019
Residence Inn
Albany, NY
Full Breakfast available in hotel lobby beginning at 6:30
9:00-9:30 Guided Pathways 101 & GP myth busters game
9:30-10:55 Facilitating team strategy sessions
- Roleplaying
- Questioning
- Active & empathetic listening
10:55-11:05 Break
11:05-12:00 Using data in guided pathways reforms
- KPIs
- SUNY data
- Institutional data
12:00-12:30 Lunch (provided)
12:30-1:30 Using the Scale of Adoption Assessment to identify priorities and “early wins”
1:30-1:40 Break
1:40-3:00 Being a coach for SUNY Guided Pathways Cohort II- The practical stuff
- Leadership/coaching style
- Communication
- Preparing for an institute
- Website visit
- Institute #1 agenda & coach responsibilities
- Setting team goals
- College calls
- Coaches visits (basic info)
- OER walkthrough
- Text protocol