Institute #1 Materials

Benchmarking, Capacity, and Transformational Change

October 2 & 3, 2019

Related Reading and Resources

These resources were provided to Institute attendees to help focus work on making the institutional commitment to guided pathways implementation.

Institute #1 Agenda

Institute #1 Pre-work Assignments

Each college team completed these assignments prior to attending the institute.

Pre-Institute Panel

Cohort One Lessons Learned

Dr. Michael Baston, President, Rockland Community College
Dr. Belinda Miles, President, Westchester Community College
Dr. Randall VanWagoner, President, Mohawk Community College

Institute #1 Presentations


Dr. Rober K. Nye, President, Finger Lakes Community College
Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Sr. Vice Chancellor, Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline, State University of New York

Guided Pathways: Making the Case

Dr. Gretchen Schmidt, Pathways Executive Director, AACC

Aligning Student Success Efforts Under the Guided Pathways Framework

Kimberley Collins, Associate Vice President, Academic Services, Monroe Community College
Renee Dimino, Associate Professor, SUNY Guided Pathways Project Director, Monroe Community College

Shaping Organizational Culture to Implement Guided Pathways

Dr. Randall VanWagoner, President, Mohawk Valley Community College

What We Are Learning About Whole-College Redesign Through Guided Pathways

Dr. Hana Lahr, Senior Research Associate, Community College Research Center

Lessons Learned from SUNY Guided Pathways Cohort I and Next Steps

Sarah Bray, Co-Coordinator, Business/Economics, and Assistant Professor, Social Sciences & Business, Jamestown Community College
Katrina Campbell, Registrar, Tompkins Cortland Community College
Dr. Karen Taylor; Dean, School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Westchester Community College