Institute Objectives

Institute #1: Benchmarking, capacity, and transformational change 

Institute Objectives:  

  1. Provide clarity about pathway project goals, expectations of colleges, and supports for participants.
  2. Establish a common definition for guided pathways and their essential elements, as defined for the pathways project, and initiate use of aligned tools that pathways colleges will use for planning and monitoring progress.
  3. Reinforce change leadership strategies for implementing pathways at scale.
  4. Explore how guided pathways reforms can build on and help to integrate student success strategies already in place in the institution.
  5. Build a “case statement” for pathways tailored to individual institution context and current status that will help build urgency and increase momentum for transformational change.
  6. Facilitate the development of institutional draft action plans that delineate next steps in taking pathways reforms to scale at the institution, specifically incorporating strategies for professional development and campus engagement.
  7. Begin to build an engaged learning network among pathways project colleges.