Institute #2: Career and Transfer Pathways Objectives:
- Reinforce the case for pathways reforms and the central emphasis on achieving equity.
- Encourage colleges to better align their programs with career-path jobs of economic importance to their region.
- Help colleges better enable students to transfer seamlessly and easily to baccalaureate institutions with minimal loss of community college credits toward a degree in the student’s major field of study.
- Strengthen student-facing online and print information to help them make informed choices about their career and education pathways.
- Identify and address organizational challenges involved in aligning pathways with transfer and employment.
- Better align “academic transfer” and “workforce” programs to help transfer students build workforce skills and workforce students earn degrees, including bachelor and graduate degrees.
- Produce draft action plans for continuing work toward full alignment of all academic and career pathways with transfer and employment with equity in mind.
- Continue building an engaged learning network among Pathways colleges.