Onboarding New Team Members

Onboarding New Institute Team Members

A Checklist

  • Review the main tenants of guided pathways
    • Utilize the chart to level set on implementation (4 pillars), planning, evaluation, and early outcomes
  • Explain the institutes to date
    • Go over the SUNY Guided Pathways project structure (5 institutes, webinar, coaches visit) and roles/responsibilities (coach, executive lead, team facilitator, project director)
    • Discuss the main themes and overview of the work explored/started/completed
    • Review the short term action plans to date
  • Connect the institute work to the home team
    • Discuss the structure, the difference between the two teams, and the work explored/started/completed
  • Review the role of institute team members
    • Review the way team members are selected for each institute
    • Explain the expectations in terms of time, meetings, travel, and the importance of their perspective to move the work forward
  • Review the institute work
    • Work to be completed before, during, and after the institute
    • Number and length of meetings to complete the work
    • Connection to institute themes
    • Connection to home team and work being completed at the college
  • Offer continued resources for further exploration
    • SUNY Guided Pathways website
    • Resources from the welcome box, past institutes, or other references your college is using to move forward with guided pathways work