Preparing for the institute

Review Institute Objectives

Each institute is designed to meet a set of learning objectives. Learning objectives for each institute can be found in this OER and on the agenda for the institute. Plenaries, Keynotes, concurrent sessions, and assigned work during team strategy sessions are all designed to meet the objectives. It is important to help your teams understand that this is what they should work towards during the institute. It is very easy to get caught up in the details of a single initiative or planned change. If more work is required, the item should be added to the team’s short-term action plan with “next steps” and deadlines clearly assigned.

Review your teams’ pre-work submissions

Look for successes to celebrate! Recognizing successes during the initial team facilitators’ meeting is a great way to set the tone for the institute.

Also, look for gaps in planning throughout the advance work submissions. Be prepared to ask about the need to implement deadlines or any individual assignments at the first team facilitators meeting. Use the pre-work submissions to formulate team goals for the institute.

If any portions of the pre-work are missing, ask the team what their timeline for completion is.

Set Team Goals

All teams should be working toward the Institute Objectives. In addition, share 2-3 goals you have formulated for your individual teams based on a review of their pre-work and prior short-term action plans.