Event Planning

January Webinar Event: Mapping Your Pathways


  1. Invitations
    1. Look at the pre-work and agenda to determine the size of your audience. The following should be included in as many sessions as possible.
      1. Team facilitator
      2. Executive lead
  • Dean/curriculum leaders
  1. Chief Academic Officer
  2. Faculty members (representing arts & sciences and career/technical education)
  3. Advising leaders and practitioners
  • Others appropriate to your campus
  1. Because this day of events takes place “at home”, we encourage you to engage as many college community members as possible. This is a great opportunity for full-campus engagement on guided pathways. You are free to invite different groups and numbers of colleagues to each session.
  1. Space planning
    1. Auditorium-style or table-seating space is appropriate for the webinar sessions
    2. Table-seating is essential for team strategy sessions (workspace needed)
  2. Tech needs
    1. You will need video and sound from Zoom for webinar sessions. It will not be necessary for you to have mics or cameras for these sessions (questions and comments will utilize the chat box in Zoom)
    2. Consider booking a member of your college technical services team to assist with webinar sessions.
    3. Depending on the size of your team strategy session groups, consider sound and projection as appropriate.
  3. Food
    1. Refreshments are always a good way to galvanize work teams.
    2. Providing food during various sessions (and/or lunch) is a great use of your project budget.
  4. Materials to provide
    1. Agenda
    2. Short Term Action Plan to team strategy session participants
    3. Pre-reading materials
    4. Data collected during pre-work
    5. Guided pathways graphic (brand-new updated version sent with pre-work materials)
  5. Session moderation
    1. Zoom webinars will be moderated much like keynote sessions at Institute #1, consider how you will facilitate the sessions locally
    2. Team Facilitators and Executive Leads should work together to plan facilitation of team strategy sessions
  6. Working with your coach
    1. Team Facilitators will work with coaches to plan check ins and virtual participation during team strategy sessions
  7. Team Strategy Sessions
    1. Team strategy session #1 and #2 size considerations
      1. Small group (<12), conduct similarly to Institute team strategy sessions
      2. Large group (>12) suggestions
        1. Even more important to be sure pre-reading has been provided well in advance of the session
        2. Divide questions among smaller groups
        3. Remember, that for the majority of the work goal is to REVIEW and SUPPLEMENT the answers that the pre-work team has already completed.
        4. Be sure to ask for note takers in each smaller group to add feedback to post-work
    2. Team strategy session suggested time
      1. Team strategy session #1
        1. Part I 45 minutes
        2. Part II 45 minutes
      2. Team strategy session #2
        1. Part III 45 minutes
        2. Part IV and V 45 minutes