Team Facilitators
The Team Facilitator is the “local” leader of each college’s guided pathways team. Designated by the college’s President, the team facilitator is responsible for:
- Attending all 5 Institutes
Facilitating completion of Online Scale of Adoption Assessment (OSOAA) and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) data collection
Communicating with home team
Working with President/CAO to identify institute participants
Registering Institute Teams and facilitating hotel and travel arrangements for team
Facilitating completing and submission of pre and post-work (involving others on campus as needed)
Tracking progress on action items for college
Leading College Team Strategy Sessions during each institute
Interfacing with your coach
Facilitating January Webinar College watch parties
Working with Coach to organize Coach’s visit
Serving as main point of contact between the project and your college
Assisting with allocation of award budget to support participation
Participating in calls and/or webinars for team facilitators
Executive Leads
This role is designed to provide consistent senior leadership for each college’s team. The executive lead is either the College President or Chief Academic Officer and is required to attend each of the five (5) institutes. The executive lead is key in securing buy-in from all areas of the college and finding resources to support guided pathways initiatives at each college.
State Coaches
State Coaches are individuals with expertise appropriate to the work of the Guided Pathways Project. Across the cadre of coaches, that expertise includes: strong knowledge of community colleges and the college completion and equity agenda; grasp of the strategies and challenges involved in major institutional change; experience assisting colleges in design and implementation of guided pathways at scale; executive administration experience/perspectives; system-level experience/perspectives; potential for influencing and assisting larger numbers of colleges; and strong links to partner organizations (e.g., Achieving the Dream, Completion by Design, state student success centers, etc.). State coaches are responsible for:
- Becoming familiar with project purpose and project institute model and agendas.
- Participating in coaching training.
- Initiating early contact to ensure institutions have received and reviewed advance work to be completed prior to each Institute.
- Ensuring that advance work is completed and submitted by the deadline.
- Reviewing assigned institutions’ application/readiness assessment and pre-institute homework in advance of the first Institute.
- Attending all SUNY Pathway Institutes & coaching meetings the evening before.
- Completing a campus visit at each assigned institution
- Working with assigned institutions during each team strategy session at the institutes.
- Providing expert guidance and assistance as assigned teams review pertinent data and delve into issues associated with design and implementation of guided pathways for students.
- If requested, delivering or moderating a breakout session and/or contribute to another type of session as part of the Institute agenda.
- Working in conjunction with the SUNY Guided pathways lead coaches to support and provide assistance to their assigned institutions.
Lead Coach
The lead coach works with the planning team before, during, and after institutes to support state coaches in their work.
The lead coach will:
- Help create and deliver coach training and support materials
- Meet (virtually and in person) with state coaches to discuss assigned institution progress
- Troubleshoot with state coaches as needed throughout the cohort
- Be available to sit-in with state coaches during College Team Strategy Sessions at each institute
- Moderate sessions during institutes as necessary
Project Director
Renee Dimino, Associate Professor at MCC, is the Project Director for the SUNY Guided Pathways Institutes. The Project Director is part of the planning team and oversees logistical and curricular elements of the institutes including: Institute agendas, travel arrangements (for speakers), hotel arrangements, facilities and food services, institute materials, creating, disseminating, and collecting pre and post work, and contracts.
Project Lead
Kimberley Collins, Associate Vice President for Academic Services at MCC, is the Project Lead for the SUNY Guided Pathways Institutes. The Project Lead is the executive lead and grant administrator for the project, and is a member of the planning team.
Planning Team
Comprised of both SUNY System and individual lead college personnel, the planning team oversees the creation of programming during institutes, selection of participants at each level, and contributes to session agendas.