Assessment: Cardiorespiratory Endurance Plan


This assignment will help you complete your cardiorespiratory endurance plan.


  • Read how to calculate heart rate zone and practice the calculations
  • Open this template: CR Endurance Plan
  • Complete all the sections in the template. Do not submit the assignment in an essay format.
    • For section 1, make sure your SMART goals are related to cardiorespiratory endurance. In other words, what was your score on the walk or run test? And what do you want it to be the next time you measure it? Goals for the other assessments (ex. flexibility, BMI) do not belong here and should not be included here. Note: drinking water and other nutrition goals do not belong here either; this is strictly a CR endurance plan.
    • On section 3, item 2 (intensity), you must show every step in the calculations, starting with your predicted HRMax calculation.
  • Save your document and submit it to the course.


The assignment is worth 10 points maximum.


Your work will be assessed using the following CR Endurance Plan Grading Rubric:





Short and Long Term Goals

0 Points

1 point

Up to 1 point if incomplete or some goals inappropriate to the topic of this assignment (CR endurance)

2 points

Complete and appropriate to the topic of this assignment (CR endurance)

Warm up and cool down

0 Points

0.5 Points

Up to 0.5 point if missing parts

1 Points

Complete with type and time and and appropriate activities based on the readings


0 Points

0 Points

1 Points

Complete and correct based on the ACSM guidelines. If you cannot follow the ACSM guidelines due to health condition or other extenuating circumstances, please explain it in your assignment. Otherwise, I will think you selected an incorrect frequency because you did not read the guidelines.

Intensity 0

Missing, incomplete, or with major calculation mistake. Always make sure your calculation results make sense based on the information learned. If your final target heart rate range is not safe or effective you will not be eligible for grade in this section.

1.5 points

Up to 1.5 points if complete but with minor calculation mistake. A minor mistake is one that does not affect the safety or effectiveness of the final target heart rate result.

3 Points

Every calculation step is complete and correct


0 Points

0.5 Points

Up to 0.5 point if some of the listed activities are inappropriate to the topic of this assignment (CR endurance)

1 Points

Complete and appropriate to the topic of this assignment (CR endurance)


0 Points

0 Points

1 Points

Complete and correct based on the ACSM guidelines. If you cannot follow the ACSM guidelines due to health condition or other extenuating circumstances, please explain it in your assignment. Otherwise I will think you selected an incorrect duration because you did not read the guidelines.


0 Points

0.2 Points

Up to 0.2 if missing parts or if the information listed in the summary does not reflect the information listed in previous sections of this assignment

0.5 Points

Complete and the information listed in the summary reflects the information listed in previous sections of this assignment


0 Points

0 Points

0.5 Points