Test #5

Note:  This test may need to be updated and/or revised to accurately reflect current statistics, research findings, and health trends.

1. What is a potential benefit of replacing “unhealthy fats” with “healthy fats” in your diet?

a. It may increase your LDL cholesterol levels.

b. It may reduce your LDL cholesterol levels.

c. It may increase your blood glucose levels.

d. It has no effect on your cholesterol levels.

2. Place a check mark beside EACH “healthy” fat below:

_____ trans fat

_____ monounsaturated fat

_____ polyunsaturated fat

_____ saturated fat

_____ omega-3

_____ unsaturated fat

3. Olive oil is a good choice to consider when trying to incorporate more “healthy fats” into your diet.

a. True

b. False

4. Which type of fiber has been shown to potentially help lower “bad” cholesterol levels?

a. insoluble

b. high density

c. low density

d. soluble

5. Which nutrient would be the most helpful in promoting regularity (i.e. relieving constipation)?

a. protein

b. calcium

c. soluble fiber

d. insoluble fiber

6. Explain what type 2 diabetes is (i.e. what happens in the body), and discuss how/why it can damage the body over time:





7. Anxiety disorders affect approximately how many American adults in a given year?

a. 10 million

b. 20 million

c. 40 million

d. 80 million

8. List five symptoms of depression:






9. Identify and briefly explain each stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the correct order below:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (blank diagram)

10. Choose ONE of the following defense mechanisms, and explain what it is:

  • Repression
  • Denial
  • Rationalization
  • Projection
  • Displacement
  • Regression
  • Sublimation






11. Which eating disorder best describes behaviors that involve periods of overeating, followed by purging?

a. anorexia nervosa

b. bulimia nervosa

c. binge-eating

d. all of the above

12. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is diagnosed when a person worries excessively about a variety of everyday problems for…?

a. at least 2 weeks

b. at least 1 month

c. at least 6 months

d. at least 1 year

13. Agoraphobia can best be described as a fear of…?

a. public places

b. farms

c. horror films

d. math

14. A treatment approach in which a person gradually encounters the object or situation that is feared, perhaps at first only through pictures or videos, then later face-to-face, is known as…?

a. aversion therapy

b. psychoanalysis

c. existential therapy

d. exposure-based therapy

15. Major depression is an episode of sadness or apathy along with other symptoms that lasts at least ______________ and is severe enough to interrupt daily activities.

a. 2 consecutive weeks

b. 2 consecutive months

c. 6 consecutive weeks

d. 6 consecutive months

16. Long-term milder symptoms, lasting 2 years or longer, that prevent normal functioning or feeling well, is best described as which condition?

a. major depression

b. panic disorder

c. dysthymia

d. bipolar disorder

17. The FDA has placed a “black box” warning label on all antidepressant medications to alert the public about the potential increased risk of…?

a. dangerous interactions that may occur with over-the-counter (OTC) products

b. elevating blood pressure levels

c. suicidal thinking or attempts in children, adolescents, and young adults

d. suffering from a heart attack

18. Place a check mark beside EACH fat-soluble vitamin below:

_____ Vitamin C

_____ Vitamin D

_____ Thiamin

_____ Vitamin A

_____ Vitamin E

_____ Vitamin B-12

19. What is found in certain foods that can help protect the body from damage by free radicals?

a. psyllium

b. amino acids

c. antioxidants

d. none of the above

20. The words “organic” and “natural” mean the same thing on food labeling, and must adhere to the same standards.

a. True

b. False