External Wellness Wheel

Let’s highlight some of the important aspects of the four external dimensions of wellness you’ve been learning about.
The first characteristic we’ll review is SOCIAL. The Social aspect of wellness extends the role of relationships in your life to encompass your involvement with others. Do you have close friends? Do you interact with people who are different than you? Do you participate in groups or contribute to your community?
Fulfilling social interactions help you…learn to respect diversity among people…and develop the ability to share your talents, skills, and ideas.
While physical contact is comforting, it’s important to recognize that the level of intimacy you have with someone should be based on the closeness of the relationship.

Now let’s summarize the Occupational — or PROFESSIONAL — dimension.
This aspect of wellness is all about doing work that satisfies and interests YOU. While having a source of income is necessary, having a job that is rewarding and, even fun, is just as important.
You’ve invested time and energy to develop certain skills and talents. When you get to apply them in your work, it’s motivating and rewarding.
When the work you do meshes with your belief system, you’re more likely to enjoy it.
For many people, balancing work and play is one of the more challenging aspects of life, especially when you truly enjoy your job. Yet, making time for hobbies and just relaxing are necessary for self-care.

Social and Professional are just two of the four external dimensions of wellness. The third characteristic is Environmental.
When thinking about the Environmental facet of wellness, we readily think of our connection to nature, planet earth…the universe. What impact do our actions have on the environment? Consider, too, the affect your immediate surroundings…your home, your workspace, and your neighborhood…have on your well-being.
Think about the impact that feeling safe, secure, and comfortable in your environment has on wellness.
Recognize the beauty of life that nature reflects back to you. Develop a harmonious relationship with the natural environment.
Respect how our planet’s natural resources are harnessed and used. Be aware of the impact our actions have on the environment now and in the future. Reduce…Reuse…Recycle.

Finally, let’s take a look at the last dimension of our external wellness wheel…Family.
In our external wellness wheel, Family represents the parent-child relationship. As an adult, a person’s desire and ability to connect with others is influenced by the type of parent-child relationship he or she experiences.
The human species seeks to have contact with others, especially family members. We learn the importance of close relationships as children which helps us recognize the value of connecting with others throughout our lives.
Fulfilling interactions are based on mutual trust. Interestingly, feeling safe in a relationship helps you develop the confidence to grow as an individual. In turn, you learn to offer similar support to another person.

Social…Professional…Environmental…Family…These are the four facets of our External wellness wheel. When you take care of these aspects of your life, your external wellness wheel will be round and balanced.