Module 0 Discussion

Please write a brief autobiography and introduce yourself to the class. Don’t hold back or be shy, and remember to NOT fill it with purely academic information. Part of the learning in the online world is being able to get to know each other through our personal lives and activities. There is no right or wrong way to write this — it is your bio!  Note:  Please do use proper netiquette when posting anything within our course.  That means, not using texting slang, all caps, emoticons.  Always be polite and courteous in all course communications.

To post your bio
Click on the title above.
Click on “Create Thread” button.
Enter your bio and click “Submit.”

If you’d like, you can also post a picture which will show in the discussion forums.

It’s also required to reply to someone else’s post. In that way, you can get to know each other a bit before class officially begins. You are required to respond to least one other student’s bio, but you may respond to more than just one if you choose to do so.

In order to earn a grade of 100 for this discussion forum, the student must post at least twice (one initial post and one reply post)