Body Composition Reading


The readings will help you understand the topics covered in this week.


The rest of this chapter contains your reading for this section.

Additionally, information on these external sources will be useful to deepen your understanding:

  • Read Health-Related Fitness Overview
    Review the Module key terms and sections one and three. Focus on the body composition information.

    This overview document was created by Mr. Travis M. Erickson, MS, CSCS*D, Lecturer for the Appalachian State University department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science (

  • Read ACSM_Body composition
    You are not required to read the Q&A sections (pages 2 and 6). Read everything else. Notice how both this article and the previous one (#1) emphasize that Body Mass Index (BMI) is not an assessment of body composition. However, since it is a widely used screening tool it is important to know what the numbers mean in terms of classification (ex. BMI ≥ 30 = obese).
  • Read Body Comp_Measurement_Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine & Health (Hongu, Nobuko, Lee R. Vinson, and Scott Going. “Body Composition: Measurement Techniques.” Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine & Health. Ed. James M. Rippe. Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference, 2012. 138-143. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Retrieved from
    This article will help you understand how to estimate body fat and will give you better insight into the screening tools we are using for this class: BMI and waist measurement.
  • Read Body Fat Distribution

This very short article introduces a new screening tool for obesity-related problems: waist-to-hip ratio. I recommend you calculate your own waist-to-hip ratio as explained in the article. This will help you understand if you are at an increased risk of health problems due to the distribution of your body fat.

  • Read Female_Athlete_Triad (Ackerman, Kathryn E. “Female Athlete Triad.” Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine. Ed. Lyle J. Micheli. Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference, 2011. 497-499. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Retrieved from

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