Course Learning Outcomes

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By the completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of a basic narrative of American political, economic, social, and cultural history in the period before 1865, including knowledge of unity and diversity in American society.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of common institutions in American society before 1865 and how these common institutions affected different groups of people.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of the United States’ evolving relationship with the rest of the world in the period before 1865.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences and how cultural norms shape each person’s experience of the world.

Additionally, this course also aims to help students:

  1. Think critically about how the past is interpreted by various sources of historical information.
  2. Recognize the role of the past in shaping the present, and potentially shaping the future.
  3. Apply historical understanding toward their choices as citizens of today’s global community.

More specific chapter/module learning objectives are indicated at the top of each page where the content is introduced.