
Standing for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, caused by the HIV virus, AIDS is a chronic disease that has disproportionately impacted the LGBTQ community (particularly gay men, bisexual men, trans women, and men who have sex with men).
Fixing the system from within, trying hard to fit into the status quo; integrating.
The positive or negative affective evaluation of someone or something.
blended family
A couple with children from all previous relationships.
The political philosophy of believing in the equality of all; and in the elimination of inequality.
extended family
The kin or relatives outside of the nuclear or single-parent family. May include aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, or others related by blood or marriage.
In the context of human society, a family (from Latin familia) is a group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage or other relationship), or co-residence (as implied by the etymology of the English word “family”) or some combination of these.
family of choice
A deliberately chosen group of people that satisfies the typical role of family as a support system. These people may or may not be related to the person.
A societal belief that makes heterosexuality the default, and assumes that everyone is heterosexual until proven otherwise; normalizing heterosexuality and othering any other identity or experience apart from heterosexuality.
Bias that suggests that heterosexuality, or heterosexual relationships, are superior to any other relationships (e.g. queer, gay, lesbian).
implicit bias
Unconscious stereotypes or attitudes than can affect our behavior toward someone or something.
Internalized Heterosexism
When an individual believes, and therefore replicates, heterosexism from others.
marriage equality
The recognition of same-sex marriage as a human and civil right, as well as recognition by law and support of societal institutions.
minority stress
Developed by Ilan Meyer, a sociobehavioral theory that predicts that the health disparities that minority groups often face can, in part, be explained by the discrimination they endure, and this discrimination causes stress and illness.
non-monogamous family
A couple with children who may engage consensually in sexual activities with other adults outside of the couple.
An umbrella term for every practice or philosophy of non-dyadic intimate relationship that does not strictly hew to the standards of monogamy, particularly that of having only one person with whom to exchange sex, love, and affection.
non-monogamous relationships
Deep, close, relationships between two or more people who may engage consensually in sexual activities with others outside of the relationship.
nuclear family
A couple and their dependent child(ren). Typically assumed to be a heterosexual couple.
Formerly standing for “Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays” but now just known by the acronym PFLAG, an organization that supports the family and friends of LGBTQ people as they seek to understand and affirm their LGBTQ loved ones.
The practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the consent of all partners involved.
polyamorous family
A family made up of more than two sexual/romantic partners and their dependent child(ren)
polyamorous relationships
A deep, close relationship between more than two sexual/romantic partners
Deep, close relationships between two or more people.
An individual’s ability to recover, or bounce back,from a stressful or traumatic experience.
single-parent Family
A one-parent-headed family (typically one parent with a dependent child or children.
Negative, positive, or neutral beliefs about the members of a group, that are often unsubstantiated.
The tendency of individuals who experience a stressful or traumatic event, to not only bounce back, but to flourish as a result