Vocabulario: En el salón de clases


  • Identify common objects in the classroom

Play AudioVocabulario

Play AudioEn la mochila del estudiante (in the student’s backpack)

Picture of a desk with various numbered objects. The numbers correspond to the vocabulary list.1.Play Audiola mochila (backpack)

2. Play Audioel diccionario (dictionary)

3. Play Audiola computadora (computer)

4. Play Audiola calculadora (calculator)

5. Play Audioel teléfono (telephone)

6. Play Audioel libro (book)

7. Play Audioel marcador (marker)

8. Play Audioel cuaderno (notebook)

9. Play Audioel bolígrafo (pen)

10. Play Audioel lápiz (pencil)

11. Play Audiola carpeta (folder/ binder)

12. Play Audioel papel (paper), la hoja de papel (piece of paper)

13.Play Audioel escritorio (desk)

Photo of a classroom with numbered objects and people. The numbers correspond to those on the vocabulary list.

Play AudioEn la clase (in the class)

1. Play Audiola pared (wall)

2. Play Audioel estudiante (student, m)

3. Play Audiola estudiante (student, f)

4. Play Audioel reloj (clock)

5. Play Audioel proyector (projector)

6. Play Audiola mesa (table)

7. Play Audioel pupitre (student’s desk)

8. Play Audiola cortina (curtain)

9. Play Audiola ventana (window)

10. Play Audioel profesor, Play Audiola profesora (professor, m, f)

Photo of a science lab with numbered objects. The numbers correspond to the vocabulary list.

En el salón de clase (in the classroom)

1. Play Audiola luz (light)

2. Play Audioel mapa (map)

3. Play Audiola pizarra (chalkboard/ whiteboard)

4. Play Audiola tiza (chalk)

5. Play Audiola puerta (door)

6. Play Audiola silla (chair)

7.Play Audiola basura (trash)

Una palabra útil (a useful word):

hay (there is / there are; “hay” is an invariable verb that is only used to talk about the existence or presence, or the quantity of things.)