Assignment: Communicating Using Technology

Assignment: Communicating Using Technology

Imagine the small business you have been working for has gained traction in the market, and you are considering expanding. The distance between your new businesses, however, will make face-to-face meetings with key managers inconvenient. You have been charged with finding a way for the company to conduct synchronous meetings in an efficient, effective manner while keeping costs to a minimum.

Communication Services Research:

Your task is to search the internet and find two free or low-cost online communication services to present as options to your manager. Prepare a summary along with a chart comparing the different features such as: cost, ease of use and setting up an account, number of users allowed, and technology required to operate. You may also list any specifics about screen sharing capabilities, video conferencing, and recording conference, etc.

Once you have conducted your research, you will be assigned to a group with 3–4 other students to conduct a video or phone conference on the assigned topic to share your findings.

Before your call your group must:

  1. Schedule a time for all of your group to meet. When you have established a time create a Google calendar event and invite each member of the group AND the instructor to save that time. (You instructor will not participate—they will just check that you have followed instructions).
  2. Read this article: Tips on How to Conduct a Conference Call
  3. Decide which technology you will use for the call (Google Hangouts, Skype, Free Conference Calling.comFree Conference, etc.)
  4. Create a meeting plan as a Google document. Name it “Group #: Action Items”, and share it with your instructor.
  5. Choose one person to be the facilitator (or decide which group member will facilitate different phases of the call).

After your call you will individually:

  1. Turn in your Communication Services Research on the two free online communication services you proposed to the group on the “call.”
  2. Turn in a short reflection essay (300 words minimum) on your experience. Use the following questions as prompts:
    1. Describe which type of conference tool the group used and the quality of tool. Would you use it again? Why or why not?
    2. What was successful or unsuccessful about the call?
    3. Were all of the action items addressed? If not why? If they were all addressed, did you have enough to talk about?

Grading Rubric

Criteria Not Evident Developing Proficient Exemplary Points
Schedule and conduct an online meeting 0 ptsMeeting does not occur 0 ptsMeeting does not occur 5 ptsMeeting is scheduled but does not occur 10 ptsMeeting occurs with all members in attendance 10 pts
Create a meeting plan 0 ptsPlan is not created 0 ptsPlan is not created 5 ptsPlan is created but does not include the designation of a call facilitator 10 ptsPlan is created and lays out the flow of the meeting, as well as designating the facilitator 10 pts
Turn in research on communication services 0 ptsNo research is submitted 5 ptsResearch only discusses one service 10 ptsResearch covers two services, but does not compare the services against one another 15 ptsResearch covers two services and compares their pros and cons 15 pts
Turn in short reflection essay 0 ptsNo essay is submitted 5 ptsEssay does not meet word requirement 10 ptsEssay meets word requirements but does not answer any of the prompt questions 15 ptsEssay meets word requirements and effectively discusses the success or failure of the call 15 pts
Total: 50 pts