Chapter 2: Team Building and Dynamics


Study Questions:

SQ1 – What is intrapersonal communication and its needs and how does it relate to self-concept?

SQ2 – What are some leadership styles in small group communication?

SQ3 – What is a group life cycle and some group member roles?

SQ4 – What is workplace conflict?

SQ5 – What are problem-solving and decision-making techniques in small groups?


In business, it is essential that you have the ability to develop content to successfully complete all types of business reports, informational or analytical in nature. This module will help you accomplish this technical writing skill. Additionally, many businesses require their employees to work effectively together to reach the company’s goals. Human Resource managers not only look for employees with the technical skill to get the job done but also soft skills. Your success on the job depends on good interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence. These readings in Chapter 2 provide information that will help you strengthen your interpersonal communication skills, develop your emotional intelligence, learn conflict management skills, and improve your ability to work well with others.

Learning to work effectively in a team is critical to achieving success in a business environment. Upon completion of the module, you will be able to identify what teamwork practices build an effective organization. Team communication, face-to-face or virtually, is essential when striving to achieve professional excellence and to form professional connections with coworkers to accomplish projects.  Building strong communication skills, techniques and tools is the key to excellence.