Chapter 3: Message Preparation and Delivery

Study Questions:

SQ1 – What is language and how does it play into verbal communication?

SQ2 – How is self-understanding fundamental to communication? What contributes to self-understanding?

SQ3 – What is perception and its concept, factors, principles, and influences?

SQ4 – What is an active listener and reader and why is it important to be one?

SQ5 – Why is writing preparation important and what are some strategies to overcome fears of business writing?

SQ6 – What are messages and how does it play into verbal communication? What are some emphasis strategies?

SQ7 – What are some ways to reach your audience?


Communication is an essential skill that employers seek in their candidates and employees. As learned in Chapter 1, the communication model describes communication as the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another, which can be impeded by barriers. Gaining knowledge of effective communication skills in a contemporary workplace will set you apart from your peers. In Chapter 3, Message Preparation and Delivery, you will be introduced to the art of language, planning and composing messages, and understanding your audience. Strategies for each step will be provided, so that you can incorporate the process into your work.